Feb 10, 2023
In this section, we'll describe the Positions, and responsibilities of Apprentice Leadership here at GSW
Prefects, in recognition of their service and greater workload, receive a working scholarship, allowing them Free tuition while serving their Lodge. Prefects are expected to create a monthly Lodge challenge,and are responsible for the health, well being, and vitality their Lodge. Prefects are also responsible for awarding merits earned by Apprentices in their lodge, furnishing their VGSW Lodge space, as well as serving as the first authority on disputes which may arise among Apprentice Wizards with-in their Lodge.A prefect’s lodge mates should think of their Prefect as someone in whom they can confide or come to with questions about their schoolwork or magickal lives.
The Vice-Captain supports the Captaincy and aids in helping to accomplish the goals of the captaincy. The Vice-Captain will, in recognition for their service, be granted a sixth month scholarship. The Vice Captain serves mainly as an auxiliary support to the Captaincy's efforts as well as act as an interim prefect for any lodge that may be missing that roll.
Captain For our Apprentices undertaking the Roll of Captain, in recognition of their service to our School they will be awarded a sixth month Scholarship to study and a %50 discount on all future enrollment costs.While the Prefect leads one Lodge, the Captaincy is responsible for the overall moral of the four lodges and motivating excellence in others, both in the Apprenticeship at large as well as with-in the Leadership. The position of Captain is the highest position for an Apprentice in GSW, and serves as a leader and Example of Wizardry at large. Captains will be expected to post their monthly challenge, participate in Lodge challenges, provide leadership for Prefects, help plan conclaves, and serve as the a second level authority for disputes between Apprentice Wizards which are unable to be resolved by their Prefect Should these disputed be unable to be resolved, they will be forwarded to the Dean of Students. The Captain is also responsible for awarding the prefects any Merits they should earn during the term. In the Event a Lodge should go without a Prefect, the Responsibilities of that lodge fall to the Captain, (or Vice Captain) who may be Supported by the Head of Lodge should the need arise.
Requirements for Prefect
1. Perfect nominees come from the pool of currently enrolled Apprentices.
2. The nominee will present a strong example of the “idealized” Apprentice Wizard.
3. The nominee will be at Level 1 or higher.
4. The nominee must be willing to register for the current Leadership classes currently offered by the School.
5. The nominee must have completed all required Level one classes.Becoming a Prefect:1. Write an Essay of no less than 500 words on why you believe you are a good candidate for the position of Prefect to DoS@GreySchool.com . After reviewing your submission the Dean of Students and the Head of Lodges will review the essay and approve or deny the request. Submissions for the Position of Prefect are accepted up to one Month before the End of Term.
2. A week before the end of term a post will be made with a poll of all Apprentices currently running for Leadership. Once this post is up, polls are open for voting and will remain open for votes until the day before the End of Term
3. Prospective Prefects are of course expected to run a clean, respectful, and Wizardly campaign. Candidates are encouraged to create posters, videos, and other content to promote their endeavors, Have Fun With It!
Requirements for the Vice-Captain Position
1. Vice-Captain nominees come from the pool of current or past Prefects.
2. The nominee will present a strong example of the “idealized” Apprentice Wizard.
3. The nominee will be at Level 2 or higher.
4. The nominee must be willing to register for the Leadership classes currently offered by the School.
Becoming the Vice-Captain:
1. Write an Essay of no less than 600 words on why you believe you are a good candidate for the position of Vice-Captain to DoS@GreySchool.com . After reviewing your submission the Dean of Students and the Head of Lodges will review the essay and approve or deny the request. Submissions for the Position of Vice-Captain are accepted up to one Month before the End of Term.
2. A week before the end of term a post will be made with a poll of all Apprentices currently running for Leadership. Once this post is up, polls are open for voting and will remain open for votes until the day before the End of Term
3. Prospective holders of this title are of course expected to run a clean, respectful, and Wizardly campaign. Candidates are encouraged to create posters, videos, and other content to promote their endeavors, Have Fun With It!
Requirements for the Captain Position
1. Captain nominees come from the pool of current and past Vice-Captains as well as past Prefects.
2. The nominee will present a strong example of the “idealized” Apprentice Wizard.
3. The nominee will be at Level 3 or higher.
4. The nominee must be willing to register for the Leadership classes currently offered by the School pertaining to their position. Becoming The Captain: Becoming the Captain:
1. Write an Essay of no less than 601 words on why you believe you are a good candidate for the position of Captain to DoS@GreySchool.com . After reviewing your submission the Dean of Students and the Head of Lodges will review the essay and approve or deny the request. Submissions for the Position of Captain are accepted up to one Month before the End of Term.
2. A week before the end of term a post will be made with a poll of all Apprentices currently running for Leadership. Once this post is up, polls are open for voting and will remain open for votes until the day before the End of Term
3. Prospective Captains are of course expected to run a clean, respectful, and Wizardly campaign. Candidates are encouraged to create posters, videos, and other content to promote their endeavors, Have Fun With It!End of Term on VGSW:It is also during the end of Term that the Prefect's lodge furnishings are returned to them and the Lodges are made ready for the next Prefect.